Jojoba added to the list of A315 measured products
By the request of one of the world's largest jojoba oil producers, the scientists of AQUAR-SYSTEM have made tests on measuring jojoba seed moisture in the technological line.
Jojoba is a powerful branched shrub, which can reach a height of three meters. The oil extracted from jojoba seeds used in the manufacture of cosmetics and pharmaceutics. Jojoba grows in Japan, in Asia, in the Caucasus, as well as in China. World production of jojoba oil is estimated about 3,500 tons per year. The main producing countries: USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Australia, Brazil, Paraguay and Israel. World demand is currently estimated to range from 64 to 200 thousand tons per year.
Our research of this product makes it possible to obtain excellent results of jojoba moisture measurement in technological process with high measurements repeatability.
According to research calibration on new product jojoba was carried out. Getting great results also allowed including jojoba in measured product basic list of in-line microwave moisture sensor A315.
At the moment basic product list of microwave moisture sensor A315 consists of 16 items:
Grain - wheat, barley, oats, triticale, rye, corn, buckwheat, millet, sorghum, rice;
Leguminous crops - peas, lupine, soybean;
Oil crops – rape, sunflower, jojoba.
In-line moisture sensor A315 measures jojoba seeds in moisture range from 2 to 10% with accuracy +/- 0.2%, more than 10% with accuracy +/- 0.5%.
Microwave grain moisture sensor A 315 can be installed on different types of grain dryers and used for measuring and control jojoba moisture, as well as in the production line for the production of seed oil.
We are pleased to invite new customers and partners for the cooperation in implementation of high-precision jojoba moisture measurement, which has a great demand in the world consumption!