9 November, 2020
Project implementation jointly with COPASA (Spain)
Within the framework of the investment project for the reconstruction of the grinding and preparatory department and the technological flow of the paper machine No. 2 at JSC “Paper-mill “Spartak” (Shklov city, Belarus) as well as in accordance with the contract with the Spanish company COPASA, we carried out the supply and commissioning works on the installation of a software and hardware complex and means for monitoring and controlling technological processes of paper and cardboard production at the factory.
Complex consists of:
- equipment for quality control (QCS / DCS) of technological processes of the paper machine and stock preparation department
- control technology equipment for the modernization of a paper production line (stock preparation building, biological treatment building, paper machine building)
- drive control equipment of the modernized paper production line (stock preparation building, biological treatment building, paper machine building).