Automated grain dampening system A3150
Automated system to stabilize the process of humidification of grain before milling. The system automatically controls the water supply depending on the flow rate and moisture content of the grain, the flow rate and water pressure in the water line and the set dampening goal.
Automated grain dampening system stabilizes the process of grain dampening which is the most important stage of preparing grain for grinding. The system automatically regulates water flow based on measure grain moisture, grain flow, water pressure and target moisture.
Automated dampening control provides the following benefits:
- maximized extraction of high-grade product at the limit flour and bran moisture
- minimized ash content in the product
- optimized energy consumption
- uniform loading of equipment and stable production output.
- system is based on a proven microwave moisture sensor providing high accuracy measurement independent of grain density, grade, temperature or other disturbing factors
- high accuracy of moisture and flow measurement transform into accurate final grain moisture
- real-time display of measurement and process data
- all data and controls available at remote operator station, the system can be integrated into existing industrial network
- independent flow and moisture measurement cells allow for compact installation – a feature not offered by any competing system
- electric water valve with automatic water cut-off if preset water consumption is reached
- immediate water cut-off when grain flow is interrupted
- safe and reliable design
- CE, EAC and ATEX certification
- customization and upgrade options available.
- Moisture measurement range 4 - 18%
- Absolute moisture measurement error ±0,2%
- Grain flow measurement range 0 - 20 tons/hour
- Accuracy of grain flow measurement ±1,5%
- Water flow control range 0,009 - 1,8 m3/hour
- Number of moisture measurement points 1 - 3
- Number of control circuits 1 - 3
- Ambient temperature +5 - +50°С

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